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23.08 EUR
Positive 0.52 (+2.31%)
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We are committed to the best practices of good governance

We continue to work towards leading best practices in corporate governance and transparency, providing our stakeholders with honest and accurate information about our performance and activities, both through this report and in the various ESG ratings and indices in which we participate.

We are committed to promoting responsible business management, both in our own activities and throughout our entire value chain, by conveying our commitments and fostering responsible and sustainable conduct in our business relationships with clients and suppliers.

At Fluidra, we ensure compliance with international recommendations and best practices in corporate governance, constantly reviewing and updating our standards.

The primary mission of the Board of Directors is to approve the Company’s strategy and the necessary organization for its implementation, as well as to oversee and ensure that management meets the set objectives while respecting the Company’s purpose and social interest.

We are committed to the best practices of good governance

We continue to work towards leading best practices in corporate governance and transparency, providing our stakeholders with honest and accurate information about our performance and activities, both through this report and in the various ESG ratings and indices in which we participate.

We are committed to promoting responsible business management, both in our own activities and throughout our entire value chain, by conveying our commitments and fostering responsible and sustainable conduct in our business relationships with clients and suppliers.

At Fluidra, we ensure compliance with international recommendations and best practices in corporate governance, constantly reviewing and updating our standards.

The primary mission of the Board of Directors is to approve the Company’s strategy and the necessary organization for its implementation, as well as to oversee and ensure that management meets the set objectives while respecting the Company’s purpose and social interest.