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Fluidra ranked among the top sustainable companies by CDP and S&P

Fluidra ranked among the top sustainable companies by CDP and S&P
February 19, 2024
  • Fluidra has taken its CDP score from B in 2022 to A- in 2023
  • The credit rating agency S&P has also included the company in its Sustainability Yearbook for the second year running

Fluidra, a world leader in pool and wellness equipment and connected solutions, has boosting its CDP score from a B rating in 2022 to A- in 2023. The company has also been included in S&P’s Sustainability Yearbook 2024 for the second year running.


This rating puts Fluidra above the European and industry average. CDP noted Fluidra’s climate governance model, as well as its emissions reduction initiatives, low-carbon products and its Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, where it earned an A rating.


Fluidra scored 66 in S&P’s CSA evaluation, a score that aligns with the company’s goal of earning a rating of 80 by 2030. S&P scores Fluidra above the average in its sector in all three categories (Environmental, Social and Governance).


To appear in S&P’s yearbook, companies must be in the top 15% with the best rating in their industry and their score must be within 30% of the highest one in their sector.


Firm commitment by the company to ESG


Three years ago, Fluidra presented its ESG master plan, the Responsibility Blueprint, for 2020-2026. Amongst other objectives, Fluidra has set itself the commitment to becoming a carbon neutral company in terms of Scope 1 and 2 by 2027, and of Scope 3 before 2050. Along these lines, Fluidra also anticipates that more than 80% of its sales will be classified as sustainable by 2035. Currently, almost 51% fulfill this standard.