Fluidra, the global leader in equipment and connected solutions in the pool and wellness sector, agreed at its Board of Directors meeting to propose to the General Shareholders’ Meeting a dividend payout of 0.70 euros per share charged to voluntary reserves. The proposal implies a 50% payout of 2022 Cash EPS, in line with Fluidra’s dividend policy.
The total payout, subject to approval by the General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on 10 May, will amount to 134 million euros. If approved, Fluidra will make a first payment of 0.35 euros per share on 5 July and another payment of the same amount on 5 December 2023.
The company continues with its consistent shareholder remuneration policy. Since it resumed dividend payments in October 2020, it has distributed 1.46 euros per share, to which 0.70 euros per share will be added if approved at the General Shareholders’ Meeting.
“The fundamentals of our business remain sound. Fluidra is a global leader with a structurally stronger business today and continued cash generation capacity. We have broadened our product portfolio in North America, expanded our distribution network in Europe and enhanced our Commercial Pool offering. We are working to become a more effective and efficient organization to serve our customers and are well positioned to continue to lead the pool and wellness market.”, highlighted Eloi Planes, Fluidra’s Executive President.
Appointment of board members
Fluidra’s Board of Directors has proposed Aedhmar Hynes as an independent director of the company and Manuel Puig Rocha as a proprietary director. Both appointments will be put to the vote at the General Shareholders’ Meeting on 10 May.
Fluidra would increase the number of company directors to 13, compared to the current 12. The increase in the number of members aims to achieve a greater plurality of perspectives and interests represented, while at the same time allowing for the representation of other significant shareholders on the Board.
Aedhmar Hynes has spent over three decades in the marketing and communications industry, leading and supporting many of the world’s most influential brands through digital transformation. She is currently a Board Member of IP Group plc (listed on the London Stock Exchange) and Board Director of Jackson Family Wines. She is also active in non-profit organizations, is a Board Member of Technoserve and Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network and a member past-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Page Society.
Aedhmar Hynes has received some of the most important awards in the digital communications sector and in recent years has been named among the top 50 most powerful global communications professionals.
For his part, Manuel Puig Rocha has held various executive positions at Puig for more than 35 years. Since 2007, he has served as Vice Chairman of Puig, and since February 2021, as Chief Sustainability Officer and Chairman of Puig Board ESG Committee.
In addition, he is member of the Boards of Directors of Exea Empresarial, Isdin, Flamagas and RACC, and he is also member of the Advisory Board of GBI2 (Georgetown University) and the Supervisory Board of Iris Ventures. Manuel Puig Rocha has an active participation in several ESG organizations and internationally renowned climate task forces, serving as member of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Empresa & Clima.
Finally, the re-election of Jorge Valentín Constans Fernández as independent director of the Company is also proposed to the General Shareholders’ Meeting.