Fluidra opened trading today on the Spanish stock
exchanges in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia, as well as with its inclusion
in the Spanish Stock Market Interconnection System (Continuous Market). The
traditional sounding of the bell that marks a premiere on the exchange floor was
celebrated today in Barcelona by Fluidra’s president, Joan Planes, and CEO, Eloi
Fluidra’s management were accompanied by a wide representation of collaborators
and employees, as well as personalities from the economic and financial world. In
the ceremony that tool place before the sounding of the bell, Joan Planes, Fluidra’s
president, explained Fluidra’s factors for success that have helped the company to
be able to take this important step in emerging on the market: solid results and
continued growth, strong international expansion and a difficult-to-replicate
integrated business model. Joan Planes attributed “the confidence placed in us by
Fluidra’s thousands of new shareholders and the great participation and efforts
exerted by the company’s employees”.
Eloi Planes, the group’s CEO, affirmed that this step in Fluidra’s natural progression
reflects “the commitment of the shareholders in taking the company even further:
the emergence on the exchange will afford Fluidra higher visibility in the markets
where it operates and an optimum environment for the future growth of the group.”
Mr. Planes explained that the company will work to maintain its position as a leader
in the swimming pool sector and to strengthen the growth of the WATER division.
Fluidra’s CEO demonstrated his confidence in the future increases in value of the
company’s titles and, just as the president had done, expressed his appreciation to
the collaborators and employees for the work done in getting Fluidra to the
Fluidra’s stocks began today at 6.50 Euros, which equates to a capitalisation for the
company of 732 million Euros.
Fluidra’s Offer is made up of a maximum of 48,981,049 shares, representing
approximately 43.5% of the group’s social capital, including the subscription option
(“green shoe”) for insurance brokers. The Offer is structured in four sections
directed towards different collectives of investors: retail section, employee section,
Spanish institutional section and international institutional section.
The global coordinating organisations for the operation are: Banc Sabadell, Citi and
Banco Santander.
This document is a press release, not a prospectus. Investors should not subscribe or acquire any shares or
any other types of securities mentioned herein except based on the information contained in the prospectus that
will be published by the company at the appropriate time related to the admission to trading of the company
shares on the Spanish Stock Exchanges. Copies of the prospectus are available free of charge at the company
headquarters, at www.fluidra.com and at www.cnmv.es .
This document does not establish and is not part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue and is not an
application for a purchase offer or subscription of company shares. Likewise, no part of this document or its
distribution are part of, or could be used as, a basis for any contract or investment decision and is not a
recommendation as regards company shares.
This communication is directed exclusively at parties outside of the United Kingdom and cannot be used by
parties located in the United Kingdom.
The offer shall not be the object of registration in any country other than Spain, without detriment to the usage of
the international documents normally employed for public knowledge of offers by qualified investors who are not
residents of Spain. In particular, it is herein set on record that the shares that are the object of the offer have not
been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, or approved or turned down by
the Securities and Exchange Commission or by any other United States authority. Consequently, the shares cannot be the object of offer or sale in the United States except after prior registry under the US Securities Act
or under exemption from this regulation.
Lastly, it is set on record that this document or any copy of the same cannot be taken or sent to the United
States of America, Canada, Australia or Japan or be directly or indirectly distributed in the United States of
America, Canada, Australia or Japan or any resident of any of these countries.