Fluidra, the world leader in equipment and connected solutions in the pool and wellness sector, has obtained a score of B from the CDP, thus improving its ESG rating.
Following the good results obtained in other sustainability ratings, the company obtained a score of B (Management level) on the CDP’s 2022 Climate Change questionnaire, thus reaching the target set for this year. This is an improvement in comparison with the score obtained by Fluidra last year (B- at Management level) and puts it two steps ahead of the C score that it was awarded in 2020, when it was assessed for the first time.
The CDP singled out Fluidra’s governance model on climate issues, the steps taken to reduce its emissions and its climate risk management processes that earned a score of A.
These results once again demonstrate Fluidra’s commitment to Climate Change issues, following the progress made in activities, products and solutions with a lower environmental impact that will protect future generations.
In 2021, the company exceeded its targets in several environmental areas, which led Fluidra to further its ambitions this year, as well as having its sights on 2026. Specifically, it hopes that 95% of the electricity used by 2026 will be from renewable sources, and it has improved its objectives of reducing water consumption on its facilities and the proportion of waste sent to landfill.
These objectives fall in the framework of its overall ESG plan for the 2020–2026 period, also known as the Responsibility Blueprint. Amongst other objectives, Fluidra has set itself the commitment to becoming a carbon neutral company in terms of Scope 1 and 2 by 2027, and of Scope 3 before 2050. Along these lines, Fluidra also anticipates that more than 80% of its sales will be classified as ESG friendly by 2035. Currently, more than half of them fulfill this standard.
CDP is an international not-for-profit charity that encourages businesses and governments to reduce their emissions by disclosing the environmental information related to their activities. Its analysis of the initiatives of thousands of businesses provides information to more than 500 institutional investors that manage over 100 billion dollars’ worth of assets.