Fluidra Establishes International Pool Pro Day to Celebrate Industry Professionals
September 7, 2022
Fluidra, global leader in pool and wellness equipment and connected solutions, announced the creation of an international day through the National Day Archives to honor and celebrate pool professionals worldwide for their tremendous hard work and dedication. As of today, Fluidra International Pool Pro Day will be celebrated on September 7th each year to show appreciation to pool professionals for their countless hours to deliver endless memories and enjoyment to pool owners.
“Our mission is to create the perfect Pool and Wellness experience responsibly and our vision is to enhance lives through innovative and sustainable solutions that transform the way people enjoy water for recreation and health. We can only do this thanks to the tireless professionals that work in our sector and this is a way to recognize and appreciate their hard work”, said Eloi Planes, Executive Chairman of Fluidra.
Regardless of what sector of the business, pool professionals are experts in their field who allow for pool owners to thoroughly enjoy their pools each summer. Service technicians spend endless hours in the sun ensuring all equipment is properly functioning, balancing pool water chemistry for proper sanitization and ridding the pool of troublesome debris while taking care of any necessary repairs to keep pools safe, operational and efficient. Retailers play a pivotal role in guiding important customer purchasing decisions—such as finding the appropriate automatic pool cleaner or energy-efficient equipment options—as well as providing a valuable resource for maintenance information. Pool builders help homeowners bring their ideal outdoor sustainable oasis to life from start to finish by designing their dream pools, installing the best eco-friendly equipment for their design and constructing the pool from the ground up.
For all of these reasons, and more, Fluidra saw it was only fitting that these industry professionals be recognized for their dedication to their customers during a grueling pool season.
Pool pros, pool owners and anyone who has ever enjoyed a pool can join in on the celebration by thanking a pool pro or sharing on social media using the hashtag #FluidraInternationalPoolProDay.