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23.08 EUR
Positive 0.52 (+2.31%)
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    Shareholders´ Agreements

    Shareholders’ agreements are understood to include those agreements that regulate the exercise of voting rights in General Meetings or that restrict or condition the free transferability of shares in listed companies.

    May 8, 2024
    Seventh Novation of the Fluidra Share and Voting Syndication Agreement
    485.62 kB
    May 5, 2023
    Shareholders’ Agreement entered into between Schwarzsee and G3T
    305.80 kB
    December 22, 2020
    Sixth Novation of the Fluidra Share and Voting Syndication Agreement
    1.18 MB
    July 30, 2018
    Complementary Agreement to the Fifth Novation of Fluidra, S.A.’s Syndication Agreement
    264.72 kB
    May 23, 2018
    Subrogation of Piumoc Inversions SAU and Dispur Pool SLU in the Fluidra Syndication and the Fluidra Shareholders’ Agreement
    463.33 kB
    April 26, 2018
    Fifth Novation of the Fluidra Syndication Agreement Modification – Spanish version
    198.22 kB
    November 3, 2017
    Fifth Novation of the Fluidra Syndication Agreement
    464.76 kB
    November 3, 2017
    Shareholders’ agreement between Fluidra’s current shareholders and Rhone
    397.64 kB
    July 27, 2017
    Fourth Novation of the Fluidra Syndication Agreement – Spanish version
    476.67 kB
    December 21, 2015
    Subrogations to Fluidra’s Syndication Agreement – Spanish version
    832.13 kB
    September 30, 2015
    Supplementary Agreement to the Third Novation of the Fluidra Sindication Agreement
    1.95 MB
    July 30, 2015
    Third Novation of the Fluidra Syndication Agreement – Spanish version
    10.86 MB
    December 2, 2010
    Second Novation of the Fluidra Syndication Agreement 2010 – Spanish version
    276.93 kB
    December 1, 2010
    First Novation of the Fluidra Syndication Agreement – Spanish version
    207.79 kB
    September 5, 2007
    Fluidra’s Syndication Agreement – Spanish version
    1.36 MB