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    The combination of UV technology with low salinity electrolysis in a single reactor has proven to be an excellent solution for the treatment and disinfection of swimming pool water. The Neolysis system combines the key features and benefits of these technologies and it corrects their drawbacks or limitations. UV technology and electrolysis are well-known and available, but this is the first time that the amazing results of this combination have been brought to market.

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    Benefits of Fluidra’s neolysis

    Sustainable and energy efficient

    No added chemicals and with a low environmental impact. No need to add chlorinated products (hypochlorite, chlorine tablets, etc.) and acids… 66% reduction in pool refills, saving water and energy wherever it is installed.

    Healthy for users

    No itchy eyes and better breathing. 20% reduction of combined chloramines in the water. Prevents skin irritation. Reduces eye, nasal and respiratory problems (asthma). Reduces inflammatory responses in the respiratory tract. The 75% reduction in the concentration of oxidants in the atmosphere improves air quality and reduces the smell of chlorine.

    Smart and automated

    Thanks to the automated management of Neolysis by Freepool2, handling errors are prevented and facility safety is increased with low maintenance.

    Main applications

    Competition and sports club pools

    Neolysis delivers healthy, chemical-free water and air. This is important for indoor competition pools in their post-event phase, where professional swimmers and coaches train for hours in the facility. It generates healthy air and water in indoor pools which creates a safe and comfortable chemical-free environment for everybody.

    Hotel, resort, private and wellness pools

    Neolysis creates a healthy atmosphere, providing hotel guests with a feeling of comfort without any chemical products in the air or water. It is perfect for indoor swimming pool water as it creates a healthy environment with clean air and water beneficial for users’ comfort and health.

    Public pools

    An ideal solution for indoor pools and a full range of public pools. Neolysis creates healthy air and water for all users, even those who may have asthma or suffer from sensitive eyes. Chemical-free.

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