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World Class Alekseyevskaya Fitness club
Moscow, Russia
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    Our team specializes in providing advisory and support services for the development of aquatic projects in different sectors

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    Fluidra equipment for swimming pools at the visually stunning World Class Alekseyevskaya fitness club in Moscow
    The World Class Alekseyevskaya is a fitness and sports club located at Malomoskovskaya street in Moscow (Russia). With an area of 3,800 m², it belongs to the World Class gym chain. This fitness club offers a wide range of sport and wellness activities with a stunning state-of-the-art look. Renovated in 2019, this innovative design and architecture was carried out by VOX Architects (Boris Voskoboynikov and Maria Akhremenkova), which is the 8th development of its kind in the World Class fitness chain. It features two swimming pools: a large sports pool with 4 lanes 25 m in length with a variable depth of up to 2.1 m and starting platforms; and a separate leisure pool for children.