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The Harbor Merida
Merida, Mexico
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    The Harbor Mérida shopping mall: a water, light and sound show for one of the major destinations in the southeast of Mexico
    In Merida, Yucatan, the company has developed an iconic lifestyle mall within a mixed-use complex that will include offices, residential homes and hotels. The retail project is built on approximately 50,000 m2 of land located at the intersection of Paseo Montejo and Periferico, the main roads of this city in southeast Mexico. The complex, located in the city’s most important commercial area and where its most prosperous market is found, provides easy, convenient access to it by the entire population of the city and state. This lifestyle mall has a modern design combined with local influences that has the best shops and international brands in fashion, lifestyle, entertainment and restaurants, as well as a peaceful lake with an amazing water show. The large frontage of the development on the main avenue of the city, along with its modern design, parks and lakes, the high socioeconomic market surrounding it, have allowed it to establish itself as one of the most important venues in the entire southeast region of Mexico.
    Description of Fluidra's scope
    Fluidra was in charge of building a large water-show-type fountain on the main lake outside the shopping center that performs spectacular choreographies to the rhythm of its water jets, light and sound.