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Raffles City Chongqing Funsquare
Chongqing, China
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    A show of water and light, in one of the most luxurious and modern complexes in China
    Inspired by the region's thousand-year-old culture of river transportation, Raffles City Chongqing's award-winning design takes the form of a mighty sail moving toward the historic site of Chaotianmen, where the blue of the Jialing River meets the brown waters of the Yangtze River, thus becoming one of the most iconic sites in the city of Chongqing (China). Presiding over the central square between the two tallest towers of this luxurious, modern complex of skyscrapers, there is a Funsquare-type fountain that citizens and visitors look at in wonder thanks to a show of great beauty that will also create a space for social interaction. This fountain is a landmark of the large complex made up of apartments, hotels, restaurants, shopping centers and the impressive stretch of glass where visitors can take in the panoramic view of the city. In addition to a 270-degree panorama of Chongqing’s skyline, visitors to the glass-bottom deck – the highest of its kind in Western China – are treated to the thrills of walking in "mid-air" while admiring magnificent views of the brown Yangtze River merging with the Jialing River’s blue water below their feet. As part of crowd management, only 3,000 tickets are currently available daily. Almost all the available tickets in the opening weekend were snapped up. The enthusiastic response to the Exploration Deck echoed the successful opening of Raffles City Chongqing’s shopping mall, which welcomed over 900,000 shoppers during its opening weekend in September 2019. Raffles City Chongqing is strategically located in Chaotianmen, a historic site overlooking the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers in Yuzhong District. It is Singapore’s and CapitaLand’s single largest development in China at RMB24 billion ($4.8 billion). The integrated development spans 1.12 million square meters and comprises a 235,000-square meter shopping mall, 150,000 square meters of Grade A office space, about 1,400 residential apartments, Ascott Raffles City Chongqing serviced residence and InterContinental Raffles City Chongqing hotel.
    Description of Fluidra's scope
    To achieve this project, AstralPool China supplied 329 circular lights and 329 spear nozzles. Additionally, a 12 VDC DMX lighting system was developed to create light for the show.