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Sevilla, Spain
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    Our team specializes in providing advisory and support services for the development of aquatic projects in different sectors

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    Lagoh shopping center: a naturalized Lagoon for the largest shopping center in Seville, Spain
    Lagoh will be the largest shopping and entertainment area in Seville with a total surface area of 123,500 m2, of which 100,000 m2 will be used for commercial and leisure activities. Lagoh will be the largest shopping and entertainment area in Seville with a total surface area of 123,500 m2, of which 100,000 m2 will be used for commercial and leisure activities. A 6,000 m2 lake designed to be one of the main attractions of a center that will give its users unique times. There will be games areas, relaxation spaces and viewpoints, as well as water and light shows with music. An innovative and avant-garde design influenced by the latest architectural trends: geometric shapes, unique spaces and three squares facing towards the lake and the outdoor facilities. All based on innovation, sustainability and respect for the environment. Lagoh will add a modern and competitive angle to the existing amenities in the city, in an area with few shopping and entertainment facilities. Fashion and leisure will lead the way in a center that will have an unbeatable retail offer in groceries, sports, DIY, home, restaurants, fashion, technology and leisure. All the main local, national and international brands will be there.