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Kostanay Therma Park
Kostanay, Kazakhstan
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    A pool and wellness complex plenty of aquatic solutions.
    Therma Park is an aquatic leisure and wellness complex located in Kostanay (Kazakhstan), specifically in the Kostanay Plaza shopping centre. With an area of more than 18,000 m2, the complex accommodates a wide variety of aquatic spaces at the users' convenience: baths, saunas, indoor and outdoor pools, wellness and thermal area, massage centre, peeling area, yoga centre, etc.
    Description of Fluidra's scope
    The centre has two outdoor swimming pools on the rooftop with 500 m3 and 528 m3 of water open all year round, four outdoor hydromassage spas also on the rooftop, a 15 m3 splashpark-type children's pool equipped with Astralpool water games, an indoor thermal wellness pool measuring 26. 6 x 15 x 1.2m at 24 - 28 degrees equipped with accessories, an advanced Astralpool ultraviolet filtration and disinfection system, a 23.6 x 21.15 x 1.2m indoor pool with saline chlorination at 24 - 28 degrees, and built-in inground hydromassage spas with a diameter of 3.2m. Fluidra Kazakhstan equipped all the aquatic areas of the centre with pool and wellness products and accessories, as well as innovative Astralpool filtration and disinfection systems in the technical room to provide the highest level of service and comfort to users.