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Geyser Baku
Baku, Azerbaijan
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    The Baku Geyser: The highest fountain in the Caspian Sea
    Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, has one of the nicest bays in the world and the Caspian Sea has been historically important for the city. After the construction of many skyscrapers in recent years, the erection of the Geyser in the Bay of Baku was commissioned to symbolise the great rise and growth of this coastal city.
    Description of Fluidra's scope
    One of the uniqueness of this project is its location and equipment distribution. The fountain is located 600m from the coast on a big platform, while all hydraulic equipment supplied by Fluidra is installed on the shore. The fountain base sends water up to a height of 140 m, making it the highest fountain in the Caspian Sea. The design of the flower (lotus) from which the geyser strikes was designed by Mehriban Aliyeva.