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Almaty Central Park
Almaty, Kazakhstan
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    Set of fountains with great sculptural and architectural beauty for the Central Park of Almaty.
    Almaty Central Park, also known as Gorky Park, is a 42 hectares urban park located in the Medeu District of Almaty. The park includes different tree types such as elm, oak, aspen, maple, pine, spruce, poplar, and birch; artificial water reservoirs, attractions such as a water park, movie theater, sports complex, cultural venues, and public catering establishments. There are also children's attractions, which include a children's railway, an aqua park and other entertainment venues.
    Description of Fluidra's scope
    Together with the Roman Schneiderman Architectural Firm and the sculptor Sergey Kulikovich, we created a decorative and sculptural complex of fountains in the Central Park of Arts and Culture in Almaty. The complex includes two pedestrian fountains modules and a cascading fountain with mosaic panels. The fountains equipment was supplied by Fluidra Kazakhstan.