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2007 FINA World Swimming Championships – Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
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    Fluidra's Skypool system at the 12th FINA World Championships in Melbourne, one of the most stunning environments in Australian sporting history
    The 2007 World Aquatics Championships and the 12th FINA World Championships were held in Melbourne, Australia from 17 March to 1 April 2007. The competition took place at three locations in central Melbourne: the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (diving and water polo), St Kilda Beach (open water), and Rod Laver Arena in a temporary pool christened the Susie O'Neill Pool (synchro and swimming). A total of 2,158 athletes from 167 nations participated in the 2007 championships. The total attendance for the championships was more than 215,000 spectators, which set a new attendance record for the event. Former FINA President Mustapha Larfaoui described the competition as "the biggest and best in history".
    Description of Fluidra's scope
    An innovative 3-m-deep Skypool competition pool and 1 warm-up pool completely equipped with filtration and water treatment systems