Pool construction is a constantly evolving and innovative industry. One development that has gained a lot of traction lately is in the world of thalassotherapy. In this article, we take a look at this growing phenomenon and show how a properly installed thalassotherapy pool complements any seaside spa retreat.
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Thalassotherapy has reached vogue status in certain circles in recent years. The term is a combination of the Greek word for sea, ‘Thalassa’ and therapy. It implies the use of seawater in therapeutic practices. Seawater is known to have many health benefits but its popularity as therapy has changed over the centuries.
The health benefits of seawater were popularised in the 18th century all around Europe. In England, doctors would recommend patients spend some time recuperating at the beach. However, it didn’t become formalised as thalassotherapy until Frenchman Joseph La Bonnardière coined the term in 1867. In recent years, though, it has reemerged as a form of therapy due to an increase in health tourism.
Today, doctors need not recommend a trip to chilly English seasides, complete with stony beaches and stonier skies. Seawater can be tamed and utilised in dedicated pools as part of a spa getaway.
Experts in the therapy field have shown that the treatment can help in many ways including:
- Blood circulation
- Improved immune system
- Stimulation of various glands including the thyroid
- Alleviate joint pain
- Opening of blood vessels (vasodilation)
The benefits are not only due to the high presence of salt in the water but to natural trace minerals. These minerals, including magnesium, potassium and sodium are essential for our immune systems. Therapies utilising seawater are among the best ways to get these vital minerals into our bodies, fast.
Generally, people visiting spa centres close to the sea might find thalassotherapy centres or facilities. By being close to the sea, it is easier for the centre to draw fresh, natural seawater directly. Also, many people claim that being close to the sea is an essential part of the therapeutic process. The air, light and wind found at the beach are all known to have an invigorating and refreshing effect.
These pools, which are built with materials specially designed to accommodate seawater, are found particularly in Europe. The warm climate of the Mediterranean, notably in the south of France is a popular destination for relaxing thalassotherapy. The cooler Atlantic coast has tonic properties and the English Channel is deemed to be invigorating.
The pools can be heated and be augmented with healing effects like jets of bubbles as well as fountains. Fountains, in particular, can be used to ease joint pain and relax muscles. This, mixed with the effects of the mineral-laden saltwater is shown to be effective within only a few days of treatment.